Spring update: 2.0 | FB, interviews ..


Spring update: 2.0 | FB, interviews ..

While the sun is shining in these Spring days, the Webzine is still developing. Codes on codes and more and more content. If you have looked closely on single posts, you might have noticed that we succeeded integrating infamous plattforms on the website. You can share and like now easily by a single click our content here and help us by doing so to spread the word out there. Furthermore, there is one more important thing: INTERVIEWS! Yap, that’s right. ShredOn Mag will meet and talk in these weeks with some pros or former pros, as well as people of the industry to quiz’em about some interesting stuff. We don’t want to blow all secrets here of course, but get ready for some cool new exotic content in these weeks. Buyaka-Sha!


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