In Asia episode #1 – Malaysia

Who would have thought this. You probably remember the name Vincent Urban. Vince is the former editor and head basically of the infamous Isenseven dudes of Germany and the same goes with Clemens Krüger and Stefan Templer, who rode for this incrediblesnwoboard crew. A few weeks back I hit up Mr. Urban, asking him for an interview as he gave me the news that he is officialy not longer with Isen and out of the snowboarding game, would live in New York and freelance. Shock. When you keep on track with certain things you never loose eye on something and so with this gnarly dude. Latest stuff we found on the web were some music vids Vincent did for some bands and then we stumbled on this „series‘ „ teaser. Here goes episode #1 now. The story behind is that the three friends did a 2-month trip to Asia and travelled in a Landrover through Malaysia, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. In total we will be glad to expect 4 more episodes to drop. If you’re wondering now what the fuck this might be doing on a snowboarding webzine, well …it might be justified a bit wait. Fuck no, it’s not! We are about to launch our urban section as some of you might know already, which will catch the overall „vibe“ around action sports, featuring artists of all kinds, travel stuff and -ah yeah. Travels. Got it? Knowing Mr. Urban’s skills on editing you know what to expect here. Awesome music, beautiful shots of great landscapes and gnarly impresssions of people, cultures and countries. Big shout out to you, Mr.former Isenseven!


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