There has been recently a new campaign popping out on the social media from nowhere, with the goal to rescue the program brands, or at least Forum Snowboards according to its name, called #giveFORUMtoPETER. Peter Line in his good ol‘ days an icon and a legend today, co-founded Forum and Foursquare as some of you might remember and always embodied that dream of freestyle snowboarding. We found a dope interview with Ed from BuoLoco and close friend of Peter’s, Eddie Wall in which they talk about exactly that same issue and which you definitely should check out. In case you’re living behind the moon or something and have no clue what all this is about, rather go over here to read the start of the story but bottom line is: Burton drops the program. Voilà.
Last but not least, it ain’t really clear from where exactly that #giveFORUMtoPETER campaign is coming from, but even though it should be just coming from a social media – skilled Forum fan, we suggest you to go over there, sign that thing digitally and become a fan of the fanpage in order to show some love blah blah ..fuck it. Do it for Forum, ain’t that reason enough or too much to ask for?!