Pass the Bucket – Tony Alva
Pass the Bucket is a web series by Vans‘ Off the Wall.TV which got into season two right now and deals with personalities of our subculture (no matter if we’re talking action sports or artists for example), who strive on with their life and/or their career though to certain changes in life they’ve experienced or bottom grounds they’ve been at, but in every case left that behind and made the best of it afterwards or took inspiration from that. We want to begin spreading this inspiring web series here on ShredOn Mag with an webisode of the first season, featuring someone really special of our action sports.
Considered to be one of the the most influential skateboarders of all time, Tony Alva an original Z-Boy, hit a bottom 5 years ago battling drug addiction and alcoholism. There, at his lowest point, his reliance on successes and ego came into perspective for the first time. Tony’s fight for sobriety and truth has recently lead him to a new perspective on life and direction moving forward. Dedicated to giving back Tony now see’s passing the bucket as the only way out.
The Z-Boys aka the Zephyr team was a bunch of friends, founding what would be known as the Dogtown crew in the 70s. Back then skateboarding was heavily surfing inspired and still didn’t have a clear direciton where to go or anything. New tricks invented frequently, same as new riding styles and skateboarding hard gear. One of the most epic types of skateboarding getting their original name from back then is Pool Skating, with Tony Alva credited to do one of the very firsts frontside aerials ever done in a pool. For some real legendary footage which came out of nothing last year of the infamous epic Dog Bowl session of back then, go here.
| Off the Wall.TV |