Isenseven | „Kaleidoscope“ trailer premiere!

Isenseven "Kaleidoscope" trailer premiere party

After weeks ’n months of endless waiting and just having watched the „Welcome“ teaser of their new 2011 film and the MADventure clips; the Isenseven crew finally comes up with a name for their new film. And now that the guys do have a title, they definitely want to take that occasion to party with you the shit out of the German Bavarian capital in Munich! Come to the premiere of the official trailer of Kaleidoscope and meet all the riders and industry people. If you’ve been already once to an Isen party, there’s no need to say, that you rather be punctual to get in there and that it will be a party of it’s own kind. On June 23, the doors at Crux (Lederstrasse 3), will open at 22h, before the trailer will be presented at midnight. For further info, go check the event on Facebook. See you there!

source: pleasuremag

| Isenseven |


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