Head West Productions – „So Lame“ FULL MOVIE

Head West is an all new crew and production company of the Mid-West, or to be more specific: from South Dakota. We posted you their film teaser a few months back and didn’t quite well know neither what to expect, nor what to tell you guys about them. Well, as every „start-up crew“ they got their issues spread somewhere over their work, but still though show more than just „a small bit“ of potential. Remember the very first Isenseven flicks like Tripoli for example? No way to compare that work to their current flicks. Progress is the key! So, what do I got to tell you guys about the So Lame flick. Head West comes along with a few sponsors, which definitely got a name in the snowboarding game and that is only positive for their overall work. Sponsors care and support, trying to push their riders (or at least, this is how it should be like..)to the next level somehow. The dark side of So Lame, definitely is the footage quality and the cut. Pixelled shots or follows, which make it sometimes hard to follow ’n watch. The bright side is the potential this crew has got for the future and the tricks and spots they’re trying to rip. Road gaps and other hard urban rail spots, which are killed in many different ways and where you would expect other bigger pro riders to hit’em. But these guys don’t give a fuck and face it, try, slam sometimes, but also stick a lot of their tricks bravely. The rider’s trick level is quite spread through the lineup. Basic Front 3s and Backboards of some, and as it would be a complete different crew of riders (without naming a single one now, you guys make up your own mind..), others spin their Rodeo flips easy, same as ripping Kinks, or go 360-off, on a lot of jibs. These last fact is where we see the potential. Friends like this, riding different stuff and with different experience, only can turn out well actually, when keeping working hard on their things and sticking together as the crew they are. We don’t say that Head West is the U.S.-Isen version to turn out in a couple of years, no way ..but we definitely see potential there and are looking forward where this is going to take this crew next. Keep up this Shred!

So Lame features riding by Alex Lockwood, Alex Hammerstrom, Andy Glader, Dan Amundson, Dan Nix, Derick Lang, Ethan Olson, James Bechina, Matt Hiemstra, Mikey Roynesdal, Nate Veatch, Tanner Jones, Terril Van Hemert, Zach Nix and friends.

| Head West |


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