Homemade Production – Aayoooye Teaser

Homemade Production – Aayoooye Teaser

After last year’s Lock It movie the French-Canadians of Homemade Production are back and drop their 2012 movie teaser. As you might be aware of, Quebec has not had the best winter at all this year and crews were forced even to shoot all across the country, to get some solid footage together. What comes out when you succeed then on this mission, is sort of a 300-yell saying AayoooyeVincent Desrochers, Max Héon, Bernard Sauvageau, Tim Bouvette, Gabriel Pleau, Francis-Olivier Jutras, Frank Bourgeois, Ludovic Germain, Felix Boutet Cossette were clearly lucky enough to belong to these riders and pop out solid metal action from the Canadian streets.

| Homemade Production |


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