Jake Blauvelt Naturally #3

In these last couple of months we have sen a lot of footage by Jake. As we know, Jake was in this season more up to his own thing. Riding untouched spots, with friends he wants to pick and trips he decides to do. He threw out there two cool projects. One of them was the show „Jake Blauvelt’s Backcountry„, which was done in collabo with Friday Productions, the same guys who did „Tracking Eero“ before. The other one is „Jake Blauvelt – Naturally“, a webisode which is also quite outstanding we think. The special aspect in Jake’s footage, is the people he shares his passion with, as well as his attitude towards freeriding and his skills in the backcountry of course. Watch here the 3rd „Naturally“ episode, to get rid of depression in these powderless days ’n weeks and enjoy best freeriding. Check also up on the recent second and first episode!

| Jake Blauvelt |


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