Knock, knock – it is me: SUMMERTIME!

Knock, knock – it is me: SUMMERTIME!

While we try to make all of you forget about it and ignore the fact that it is June already, by posting deep ass powder shots on our Social Media, our last hope definitely dies when looking on the calendar or through our window. Damn it, we’re based in central Europe and even here it is sunny and relatively warm. Fact is, that we definitely won’t see any snow anymore until the next season starts. The floodlights on the local skateparks are on since a few weeks already and the ladies leave the long sleeves at home, when the sunrays come out. Recognize: It is summer. Lock your snow gear away unless you get to NZ or a glacier or something, dust off your skatedecks and hit the streets! P E A C E   O U T 

by the way ..calm down: we wouldn’t have post this one, if not knowing that the dude survived and was completely fine after behing hit, so shut the f- -k up and don’t hate on this shit


give us your shit.

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