Nations Films – Anthropology Teaser Package

Nations Films – Anthropology Teaser Package

We’re definitely not into that religion thing that Nick has got going on, but unless he doesn’t appear on the slopes with a crucifix hanging flavor flave style we seriously don’t give a shit, so stop the hating. Nick has pulled off this tremendously rad looking project together with Nations Films and has released the second teaser of it. Now to be honest: Yeah, we didn’t even know about the first one, means the project itself right, but that’s what we got the web for, right? Cut the bullshit and press play to watch two pumping teasers of Anthropology, that will come out in this year’s fall feat. Nick Visconti, Ryan Paul, Sammy Spiteri, Dave Downing, Simon Chamberlain and friends. What a lineup..

Teaser #1:

Teaser #2:

| Nations Films |


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