Peetu Piiroinen is 3rd consecutive time TTR World Tour Champion

Peetu Piiroinen TTR World Tour Champion '09 (C) | photo by: Jake Stangel

After last week’s Arctic Challenge, it was already clear that no one could trouble the young Finish about his 3rd consecutive TTR World Tour Champion Title. Peetu Piiroinen (FIN) did an incredible season, having made it on four TTR 6 Star events on the podium, proving his skills in Halfpipe, Slopestyle and Big Air of course. No one else could do it similar to him and being so, Peetu will recieve after the Burton US Open the TTR World Tour Champion Trophy.

The places 2-5 are still undecided and it will be very exciting to see what will happen. Seppe Smits (BEL) has good chances to make 2nd and leave place three and four to the Canadian competition, Sebastian „Toots“ and Mark McMorris. Iouri „i-Pod“ Podlatchikov (SUI) and Christian Haller (SUI) are still after the places 5 and 6. But no matter, who will rank here under these places, the Top-10 of the TTR World Tour by the end of the season, will be invited to all TTR 5 and 6 Star events of the season 2011/2012.

Concerning the women, it will be exciting between Jamie Anderson (USA) and Kelly Clark (USA). Arctic Challenge winner and former female TTR World Tour Champion Jamie Anderson, still has got a good advantage in points in front of Ms. Clark. On the upcoming 5 Star Mammoth Grand Prix Kelly Clark could definitely recover her point difference to Anderon. In any case it will be decided in the end on the TTR 6 Star Burton US Open; who will be this year’s female TTR World Tour Champion. For Jamie Anderson it would be the 2nd consecutive time and make her the first woman to succeed that. Also the Top-3 women, will recieve a nice reward by the TTR at the end of this season, reason why everybody who is near at the moment, will try everything to get on the 2nd or 3rd place this season. Cilka Sadar (SLO | currently no. 2), will do hard on defending her position in front of Sina Candrian (SUI), who is quite near with her 3rd place. Also Kjersti Øestgaard-Buaas (NOR) could be dangerous to the girls and attack from place 4 right now. Keep up with the next and last events to follow how the rankings 2-5 for the men will end up and especially to see who will be female TTR World Tour Champion this year.

source: pleasuremag

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