Sebi Geiger – Different Direction Teaser
As we already revealed in Sebi Geiger’s exclusive interview from last week (read it here..), the Montafon local is about to launch the 2nd season of his web series from last year, called Different Direction. Overall the series will feature 6 episodes spread over the entire season, in which a new guest rider will join Sebi on his sessions, on every new episode that drops. Knowing Sebi, you can expect some rad snowboarding going from urban spots to waist-deep powder sessions in the backcountry ..simply everything that makes him and his homies enjoy snowboarding. You will find the new episodes dropping here on ShredOn Mag exclusively, so you know where to check back for Sebi’s latest and greatest for this season. Get ready for one sick-ass series produced by Nise, to drop its first episode in November, that will feature snowboarding by Flo Corzelius, Daniel Rajcsanyi, Simon Pircher, Christian Geiger, Manuel Bernert, Thomas Feurstein, Marco „Fichtl“ Feichtner and Sebi Geiger. Stay different!
| Sebi Geiger | Sebi Geiger Snowboarding | Nise |