Superpark 16 Standout – Seth Hill

Superpark 16 Standout – Seth Hill

Our homies from Now Snowboarding in Breck, have been last week enjoying –like most people did over the pond– the 16th edition of the Superpark event up at Mt. Bachelor and clearly made some noise up there. Mark Hoyt with his FS Triple Cork, Ian Smith with his „i-try-to-get-as-much-g-forces-on-me-as-possible-Dub“ jump, which looked like a Looney Toon shot or something, and then there is to round this thing off, Seth Hill. Seth has been throwing down like 100 jumps or something they say -easy- and just wanted to take the most out of these 5 intense days shredding. That definitely has been noticed by Snowboardermag and so they gave him the official title of the Superpark’s Standout for this year, what Seth didn’t hesitate to spend on some good times with the rest of the bunch partying.

| Now Snowboarding |


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