WEARE 2012 – get a tease of Terror Snow
The Russian jibber side around the WEARE posse has dropped this year again as expected one hard-ass jibbing flick from Mother Russia called Red Alert! (watch here!) and proofed once again that these headz are not to me underrated at all and go damn serious.
Now the guys hit us up on their latest project called Terror Snow where they’re working together with Dense Forests of Russia, but that doesn’t work with camera, but with wood. Terror Snow is their new snowboard brand, rapresenting as they say „for a good understanding in snowboarding and their own style.“ For now the guys will come up with a range of three boards that come in six different lengths as it looks like. Watch out for these headz as we’re getting to the bottom of this and check out what these guys got in mind for the future and how they’re organized.

Terror Snow(boards) in 12-13 :: Three boards, 6 lengths: Defender, Warrior & Bear
Below you enjoy Ura Rudchik, Artem Moskvichev, Vadim Taran, Vanja Gribkov, Igor Kulakov and Maks Sibirjakov who rapresent Terror Snow and serious urban street riding from Russia.
| Terror Snow |WEARE |