2012 Protest Rock a Rail – Official Recap
Tim Schiphorst wanted to wait a bit more until all the reports etc. were over, to release his and the offficial version of this year’s Protest Rock a Rail recap edit. Holland got totally upside down on this pumping rail jam event, that went down now for the second time and everybody clearly enjoyed an awesome event and even a better party afterwards. See you next year in Holland you jib headz!
\\Results 2012 Protest Rock a Rail presented by Monster Energy:
1. Len Jørgensen
2. Ethan Morgan
3. Cees Wille
1. Rachida Aoulad
2. Gina Somaini
3. Dina Treland
Best Trick: Gerben Verweij (GV Constructions, co creator of the event) Frontboard on his selfmade quadkink.
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