Heart For Others Art Show
On Friday, September 30th was the opening of „Heart for Others“, a Volcom collective artshow organized for charity.
Volcom’s Give Back Series is a program where we team up with a community based non-profit organization to „give back“ a portion of our proceeds to their cause. This time, volcom has supported „Integrazio Batzordea“, association that helps disabled children for schooling in the Basque Country. Everyone had a great time, enjoying the artwork with fresh beers in the hand, and a particular attention to the screen printing machine that was on fire that night.
They’ve printed teeshirts and screenprinted posters were done live, and all the benefits went to the association. The collected money will help children throughout their education. Dominique Idart, Integrazio Batzordea’s president said: “The goal of this partnership is to finance our project of education, and on the other side, to develop a network and let people know about what we are doing. We need partners like Volcom and l’Atabal, to spread the words and touch people.” Some of the art pieces have also been for sale, and a part of the benefits went to the association.
| Volcom | Heart for Others |