IOC approves FIS qualifying process

We have been patient. We we’re fine with certain agreements, due to the polemic issue of this topic. We did actually all we could soIOC approves FIS qualifying process far. Terje did all he could so far. We’re sick of this. The IOC approved the FIS qualifying process for the 2014 Olympic Games and guess what? Not the slightest TTR inclusion is in there. Not the slightest change has there been after all. We ask you to read the article yourself, make up your own mind and check on the earlier articles of this past season, featuring all the talkings with Terje and IOC members. This is a really important issue for our sport and it would be of some help, if you guys would be into it, ‚cause we got the serious impression that there is a major part of riders world wide, who don’t give much about it. Please don’t. Get in touch with the W.A.S. people, spread the word out there, push it and try anything to forward all this news for the voice of the sport and it’s future.

We just got the following thing to say to that: The FIS and the IOC are in the end forming the same party and it’s not ours. For some reason, such as false pride, commercial interest over interest in the sport and blank arrogance, there will be nothing changing, if we don’t organize ourselfs a bit more and support movements like We Are Snowboarding, same as Terje’s moves. The FIS proved to be the same dirty bastard cunts, they seemed to be like before. We would love to boycot the games or something and not report about it, but the better question is, if the IOC would even notice then, when online media refuses to give them coverage. What do you think?

Here is the article by ESPN about the mentioned and latest happenings.

past articles on this issue:

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give us your shit.

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