Nike 6.0 Stair-Set Battle Tour #8 | Kronenplatz, Italy |

Star-Set Battle Tour |copyright: NIKE 6.0

| last tour stop ahead! |

This weekend once again the Nike 6.0 Stair-Set Battle Tour stoked everyone. Not only that there has been a new record of spectators of aprox. 1300 people, also new tricks which haven‘t been sticked yet on the tour were showed and perfect conditions made the tour stopp be a really good event! Due to the fact that there is now just one more stopp left, before going to the big super finale in Munich, more and more riders want to try to get their last chance, showing their skills on hard metal and want to qualify for Munich. Being so, also riders from Netherlands (Jusse Augustinus), Slovenia (Nejc Ferjan) and Austria (Flo Achenrainer) joined the event in Italy. In the end it was also those three covering the three steps at the end of the contest. Again it was pretty impressive seeing youngbloods destroying and throwing themselves over the famous stair set. The trick level was once again pretty good, having BS and FS 360° to 50-50s, or Cab 360°. In the end Austrian jibkid Flo Achenrainer did a Hardway BS 270°, which hasn‘t been showed so far on the tour. Next weekend is going to be the last chance to qualify for the super finale in Munich (TTR 3 Star), so a huge and international rider lineup can be expected, wanting to kill for their chance to the final.

source: pleasuremag

| Nike 6.0 Stair Set Battle Tour | Nike 6.0 Air & Style Munich |


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