Brother’s Factory | „Tabarnac“ teaser

Brother’s Factory dropped their new film teaser, which looks rad! Frank April, Kael Hill, Anto Chamberland, Lil Jay, Greg Desjardins, Phil Jacques, Nic Molotov, P-O Houde, Young Jay and Mick Lemieux kill it on urban jibs, but also ride pow kickers. When watching the teaser, you get behind that these dudes don’t fuck around and ride pretty hard on all these urban spots in first row, neither do they care much about „the badge“ as you can see in the beginning. We love it and are looking forward to see the full film in this year’s fall. Hopefully we know then what „Tabernac“ is.

For more teasers check out our teaser section on ShredOn Mag!

| Brother’s Factory |


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