Different Direction – #06 Goodbye seems to be the Hardest Word
On the last webisode of Sebi Geiger’s series Different Direction, the Montafon ripper brings back again the pow in this series and sends it in his Montafoner backyard together with local shreds Manuel Bernert and Pirate Marco „Fichtl“ Feichtner. For this last webisode of the 2013 season, the guys wanted to splitboard, to find some new spots in that backcountry Mekka they have over there. Things never go as planned and so they stopped a week earlier than expected, due to Sebi who hurt his ankle on the last spot. No matter what, Sebi is pretty happy with his 2013 Different Direction season and is doing even harder on saying goodbye for now. This was it for this season, but we’re looking forward to get another season next year. If that’s going to happen, only time will tell ..so for now, enjoy once again the 2013 webisodes!
- Different Direction – #01 Pizza Urbana (feat. Simon Pircher)
- Different Direction – #02 Disco Battle (feat. Christian Geiger)
- Different Direction – #03 WallStreet (feat. Steve Grumser and Christian Geiger)
- Different Direction – #04 Romanian Foursome (feat. Flo Corzelius)
- Different Direction – #05 Legaliiize it! (feat. Thomas Feurstein)
| Sebi Geiger |