Markass Mondays – Season 3 Episode #1
The infamous Markass Mondays are back and go into round #3 with new rad Markass action! Nuff said, if you’re still without a clue what the Markass edits are, rather start golfing or something. Johnny Miller, Chad Tarbell, Daniel Brown, Anthony Mazzotti, Chris Bradshaw, Lucas Magoon, and Ryan Tarbell bring it on for you on this premier from Bear Mountain. We’d have loved to see Señor Bozung in this too and hope to see him back on this for a few times at least, but that won’t happen we guess since he’s getting fucked up in Barcelona right now. Ah yeah, ..and the stupid ass headphone sponsoring is gone from season #2, that made the eps last year look like a teleshopping commercial. #STOKED
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