When in Whistler – episode #3: The Road Trip

When in Whistler“ is a new web series by 3CS Outerwear which got released a few months back. Since we haven’t been online then yet again, we drop you here its last third webisode, before the new fourth one drops here very soon. Olliepop filmer Jeremy Richardson teamed up with 3CS to make this happen and shoots with the team in beautiful Golden BC and made all the way from down under up there. In this third episode you see the 3CS bunch on a trip slaying everything they can spot, weither it is streets, backcountry or some nice park shots.

Featured riders: Mat GalinaTristan HansenTroy LawrenceCavin DonaldDavid KinskoferErik GellingEric Turgeon and Jamie Corneal.

| 3CS Outerwear |


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