Ammo European premiere

Ammo European premiere

The first AM film by ThirtyTwo and etnies, called „Ammo“ got  quite some attention, what doesn’t surprise much, when looking on it’s rider lineup: Brandon Hobush, Chris Brewster, Dominik Wagner, Dylan Alito, Tyler Flanagan, Spencer Schubert, Mike Ravelson, Johnny Brady, Parker Worthen, Stale Sandbech, Brandon Larson and friends. Now it’s going to have it’s European premiere. Mark on your calendar in big fat red, September 15th and September 22nd. Two dates? Right. On September 15th the party is going down in Netherlands at the Club Stalker location and is presented by the Revert shop. On September 22nd on the other side, Munich will be hosting the party at the Robinson Bar (Corneliusstraße 14/Gärtnerplatz in Munich – doors open: 21:30h). For the Benelux premiere in Netherlands, go check the Facebook event. See you there!

Not seen the teaser yet?

| ThirtyTwo | etnies |

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