Dachstein Summershred 2013

Dachstein Summershred 2013

Jakob Obersamer hit us up with this shredit coming „straight outta“ Dachstein, from the Horsefeathers Superpark. Good vibes summer shredding and solid steeze with and by Dennis Gehmacher, Max Saller, Jakob Obersamer, Weazel, Mary Luggen, Flo Galler, Marvin Salmina, Michi Schatz, Luki Brandauer and Roli ScharmerDennis Gehmacher, Max Saller, Jakob Obersamer, Weazel, Mary Luggen, Flo Galler, Marvin Salmina, Michi Schatz, Luki Brandauer and Roli Scharmer. Nice one.

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