Rip Curl | „The Gum Movie“ teaser

Rip Curl comes up with a new team flick. Due to bad snow conditions throughout Europe in this past winter, the team was „unfortunately“ forced to expand their trips and collected several shots from Japan to Canada, which was obviously pretty stoking for the crew. The Gum Movie features riding by Victor Delerue, Nils Arvidsson, JF Fortin, Janne Lipsanen, Elias Elhardt, Nate Johnstone, Victor Daviet, Mati Radaelli, Dani Sastre, Nico Fuentes, Wiley Tesseo, Urska Pribosic and Martin Seiler.

To watch the rest of this season’s film teasers, check out our teaser section!

| Rip Curl |


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