Yu-Go First – Teaser #2

Yu-Go First – Teaser #2

Our homies of the „Yugo“ posse dropped the second teaser of what will be their very first film project, going by the same name as the crew does: Yu-Go First. We hope to see more new footage coming up soon once the season starts, to fill up spaces until René Gallo’s full length version drops in January 2013 (who also shot the current Lipstick flick Eurotic, that is a bomb). Watch out for best Yugo riding by Vid Barić, Žiga Rakovec, Aljoša Krivec, Dejan Hodžić, Nejc Pucko, Žiga Erlač, Mitja Kodrič, Erik Harc, Peter Podlogar, Luka Podlogar, Palermo, Matic Zavodnik, Marko Grilc, Ana Rumiha, Urška Pribošić, Matevž Pristavec, Andrej Marinčić, Luka Jeromel and friends.

..for teaser #1 click here!

| Yu-Go First |


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