Analog Design Unlikely Feature – premiere

Analog Design Unlikely Feature – premiere

The Analog Design Unlikely Feature, was a winning competition by Analog, in which everybody could take part  to design his most exotic / personal /  dream park feature. All you had to do was sending in your sketches, no matter how they were made and the one with the most „likes“ won. But not only tons of Analog stuff, no ..of course the dream feature got built for the Snowpark Damüls and the winner Adrien De Pierrepont, also won a rad exclusive session to inaugurate his own feature.

„The Symmetric“ features a 9 meter wallride with barrel, which can be hit straight or via one of the two pole jams in front. On this official premiere event now, the Snowpark Damüls hosted a nice little session with everybody and also including some of the Analog pros, including free BBQ and beer and a mini contest, which got judged by the Analog team.


1. Wolf (Gäng) 
2. Christian Geiger 
3. Lukas Ellensohn

Best Trick:  David Loibl

| Analog | Snowpark Damüls |


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