Irish Surf Session Tow-in at Mullaghmore Head
|Incredible first-time Big Wave Event |
This weekend -or let‘s rather say- on the Monday afterwards, the first Tow-in Big Wave Contest was set up in Ireland, Mullaghmore, presented by the Irish Surf Rescue Club (ISRC) in association with Billabong and Monster Energy. The conditions were absolutey epic for the 22 riders, who participated and so it has been proven once again -patience is golden! The waiting period was set between 1st January and end of March and after contest lights turned yellow on the Friday before, everybody was stoked when seeing green lights on the Saturday after. During the entire day, the event was incredibly well visited, so was the headland crowded by people all day long till the end of the contest.
20-30 foot waves hit Mullaghmore head‘s reef, ensuring Europe‘s best big wave surfers to take on these beautiful beasts. An International lineup, including Billabong Team riders Benjamin Sanchis and Éric Rebière, were surfing some of the probably biggest barrels ever seen at Mullaghmore. First place in the Irish divisions, was made by Peter Conroy and Gyln Ovens. Al Mennie did the Best Barrel, while Richie Fitzgerald managed to win the Heaviest Wipeout. The Most Radical Turn went to Barry Mottershead. The Opens were clearly won by the French riders Benjamin Sanchis and Éric Rebière.
It has been an incredible and well organized contest, thanks to Paul O‘Kane -local responsible for event organization at Mullaghmore- who assured the contest‘s and so the rider‘s saftey with a water patrol, which did a great job (Best pick-up by Lyndon Wake).
Ireland has not seen, since a long time, a blast of an event like this one and especially not with these awesome conditions during 4 days long. Everyone, who attended the event was stoked by Big Wave Surfing on that day, no matter if core surfers, casual spectators or everyone else. Big ups!
Everybody knows that Ireland has got huge potential for surf events, but to be this great at a first-time event was not expected by anyone at all. We will see what Mullaghmore and especially Ireland is capable of showing us in future, but the Irish Surfing Tow-In, should have definitely now sent a clear signal to everyone in surfing!
1st Open: Benjamin Sanchis and Éric Rebière (France)
2nd Open: Peter Conroy and Gyln Ovens (Ireland)
3rd Open: Al Mennie and Andrew Cotton (N. Ireland)
4th Open: Gabe Davies and Richie Fitzgerlad (Ireland)
Irish Division:
1st Irish Division: Peter Conroy and Gyln Ovens (Ireland)
2nd Irish Division: Al Mennie and Andrew Cotton (N. Ireland)
3rd Irish Division: Gabe Davies and Richie Fitzgerlad (Ireland)
4th Irish Division: Mikee Hamilton and Dave Lavelle (Ireland)
Best wave: Gabe Davies
Best/Heaviest wipeout: Richie Ftizgerald
Best barrel: Al Mennie
Most radical turn: Barry Mottershead
Most committed: Shane O’Connor
Best pick-up (water patrol award): Lyndon Wake