8 Mile Life – Boys Will Be Boys FULL MOVIE
The 5th installment of the probably most gnarly group of pro friends a.k.a. 8 Mile Life in full length and in color. Boys Will Be Boys is the latest project called of a group of homies, that enriched back in the days the pro gossip from the infamous basement suite in Whistler, which is known by basically anyone of these guys from back then. No matter what, certain things never change, such as being a bad ass creative snowboarder and enjoy good times partying with your homies, including Iikka Backstrom, Mikey Rencz, Benji Ritchie,Kevin Griffin, Jody Wachniak, Eero Niemela, Devun Walsh, Dustin Craven, Andrew Geeves, Johnny Lyall, Jussi Oksanen,Mikkel Bang, Mark Sollors, Logan Haubrich and Kale Stephens.
| 8 Mile Life |