Absinthe Films | „twel2ve“ pre-trailer

Absinthe Films will release in this year’s fall their new flick called „twel2ve“. The problem is that the dudes haven’t dropped a teaser yet. To make it through these summer days, they did this pre-trailer for you, featuring Mikey LeBlanc and Nicolas Müller. ENJOY!

| Absinthe |

  1. carl sagt:

    like every year the winter comes, every year presents the absinthe crew a great movie…wonderful powder, nice railaction and the fun behind the scenes. there is the playlist of twel2ve: http://www.sportpantoffel.de/detail.php?ident=snowboard_gHkl00919. unbelieveble how nyvelt rides his äsmo-board…


give us your shit.

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