Regis Rolland talking industry and ol‘ times
Regis Rolland is a legend. Back in the days, he brought snowboarding to Europe with flicks like „Apocalypse Snow Films“, who inspired back then riders like Xavier does inspire other people today. But this wasn’t mid 90’s or something ..mid 80’s! you know that Regis is in the game since day 1 and definitely can talk shit on whatever he wants to, having paid this dues for a long time. Over 50 in age now, but probably still rockin‘ bad ass on the board today. If you’re wondering what an old dude like Regis is still doing today, well ..there’s a chance you might know his very own board brand. He’s the brain and man behind APO! Enjoy this interview, but please pump up the volume, ‚cause Ed missed to remaster the sound on this interview, before putting it online.
| BuoLoco |