Adan Baserba 11-12
We could bring you a few times now some of Adán Baserba’s riding in these last few weeks. The Spanish local ripper from Girona is 26 years old and is supported by Nitro, Dragon and the FRENDS bunch. If you want to see more of Adán’s moves, watch out for his full part in his crew’s first film called Jib Kung Do a.k.a. JKD , dropping on December 20th (watch the teaser here). Adán feels comfy on metal as you can see and that doesn’t look bad at all. Hopefully we see now a new upcoming snowboarding freestyle boom coming from Spain, as they definitely have the potential to bring it on, but couldn’t get rid of their football madness yet (and no, it is not called soccer!). Time will tell..
| Adán Baserba |