adidas Snowboarding – Year One

adidas Snowboarding - Year One

Since the „brand with the three stripes“ announced last season back their own snowboard team (we reported), things started to get quite interesting when looking at the new big players in the snowboarding game. After the Swooshd has thrown out some benjamins at everything, we were looking forward to finally get some more news about adidas Snowboarding. Their team consisting of Jake Blauvelt, Eric Jackson, Keegan Valaika, Kazu Kokubo, Forest Bailey and Helen Schettini is a pretty tough one and concerning products we only could get some sneak peeks yet of a Snowboard Boot, plus an après-shred Signature Boot of Jake Blauvelt (click here to re-check). Now things start rolling and besides of another Naturally season with Jake, plus a full length film of it, adidas also hops now onto the webisode train and will release on September 2nd their documentary called Welcome. This new web series, won’t feature at a first look „all sorts of snowboarding terrain with their respective team riders“ like some more did in the last 2 seasons, but a more personal look on each of their six team heads, and how they got together forming this new outstanding team that will definitely make some noise in the next months in the snowboarding game. Below you find the dates of each new Welcome webisode to drop. 

adidas Snowboarding - Year One Welcome Webisode

\\ September 02 | Welcome Jake Blauvelt

\\ September 23 | Welcome Forest Bailey

\\ October 14 | Welcome Eric Jackson

\\ November 04 | Welcome Helen Schettini

\\ December 16 | Welcome Kazu Kokubo

| adidas Snowboarding |


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